Every aircraft owner sooner or later needs to carry out periodic, or unexpected maintenance and repair. We offer solutions for these.
Our company’s second main profile after training is maintenance of aircrafts. Every aircraft owner sooner or later needs to carry out periodic, or unexpected maintenance and repair. We offer solutions for these.
We are entilted to repair types accepted by EASA and ANNEX II aircrafts. If you have any of these, contact with us and we will make wonders to your aircraft.
We deal with navigational and communicational instruments, and also with checking pneumatic and hydraulatic systems. Furthermore we reapair Ka-26 type rotors and Av-2, W530 D11, US 122000 wooden propellers.
We perform hundreds of hours of maintenance work yearly on both our own aircrafts and on other’s. If you have an aircraft we are glad to offer you our services. Since the maintenance and repair works require an individual price offer, you cannot find more information about these services on our website. However feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to organize a personal meeting to show you our services and give you an offer for your aircraft’s repair or maintenance.