Sightseeing flights with aeroplanes (Cessna 172 / 182) or with helicopters (Robinson 44, Bell 206, AS 355)

Sightseeing Flights
with Aeroplanes:

Cessna 172/182
(3 passengers)
Sightseeing Flights
With the route of Budaörs – Margit-sziget – Budaörs
135 EUR
(25 min)
Flying to the gate of the Danube bend:
A bird’s eye view of Budapest and Szentendre, with the route of Budaörs – Szentendre – Budaörs
185 EUR
(35 min)
A bird’s eye view of the castle of Visegrád, King Matthias’ heaven:
With the route of Budaörs – Visegrád – Budaörs
235 EUR
(45 min)
The journey of the three emperors:
In the wake of the emperors, with a royal panorama. With the route of Budaörs – Visegrád – Esztergom – Budaörs
310 EUR
(60 min)
Night, Romantic Sightseeing Flights
Flying over Budapest at night:
Lights of Budapest from above. Flight time approximately 20 minutes, with take off maximum 30 minutes after sunset.
235 EUR
(20 min)
Extreme flight experiences
Sightseeing with Seneca aircraft (5 passengers):
Route: Budaörs – Visegrád – Budaörs.
380 EUR
(30 min)
Sightseeing with Seneca aircraft (5 passengers):
Route: Budaörs – Balaton – Budaörs.
760 EUR
(60 min)
* Our sightseeing flight prices include: the VAT, and the airport fees as well!
For more information on sightseeing flights, please contact us:
(Mon.-Thur. 09:00-16:00, Fri. 09:00-14:00)
Phone: +36 30 332 17 11

Sightseeing Flights

with Helicopters:

Robinson 44
(3 passengers)
Bell 206
(4 passengers)
AS 355
(5 passengers)
Sightseeing Flights
With the route of Budaörs – Margit-sziget – Budaörs
300 EUR
(20 min)
400 EUR
(20 min)
795 EUR
(20 min)

Flying to the gate of the Danube bend:

A bird’s eye view of Budapest and Szentendre, with the route of Budaörs – Szentendre – Budaörs

445 EUR
(30 min)
600 EUR
(30 min)
1185 EUR
(30 min)
A bird’s eye view of the castle of Visegrád, King Matthias’ heaven:
With the route of Budaörs – Visegrád – Budaörs
665 EUR
(45 min)
895 EUR
(45 min)
1610 EUR
(45 min)
The journey of the three emperors:
In the wake of the emperors, with a royal panorama. With the route of Budaörs – Visegrád – Esztergom – Budaörs
885 EUR
(60 min)
1200 EUR
(60 min)
2150 EUR
(60 min)
Night, Romantic Sightseeing Flights
Flying over Budapest at night:
Lights of Budapest from above. Flight time approximately 20 minutes, with take off maximum 30 minutes after sunset.
405 EUR
(20 min)
505 EUR
(20 min)
905 EUR
(20 min)

* Our sightseeing flight prices include: the VAT, and the airport fees as well!
For more information on sightseeing flights, please contact us:
(Mon.-Thur. 09:00-16:00, Fri. 09:00-14:00)
Phone: +36 30 332 17 11